ICE Controversial Memo on terminating certain removal proceedings (Deportations)!
On August 20, 2010 Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) has issued a memo stating that it will terminate removal proceedings (deportations) in some adjustment of status cases that are ultimately going to result in obtaining a permanent residence. This is a well applauded memo by most pro immigration entities. However, anti-immigration groups have labeled it as “backdoor amnesty”. A closer look at the memo reveals that the reasoning of ICE is well founded both in terms of economic and judicial interest. Indeed if someone is going to get a permanent residence anyway, and is awaiting simply for the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) to adjudicate the case, common sense dictates that such a case should not longer be in an immigration court. Shah Peerally Law Group PC applauds such a move.
You can read the memo on the link that follows
ICE Controversial Memo