Peaceful Protest supporting TVU students – Tuesday Shah Peerally Law Show will give update on the TVU situation
“North America Telugu Society (NATS), a group representing Telugus living in North America, will organise a peaceful protest outside the White House in Washington March 29 on the Tri-Valley University students’ issue.
The organisation has given a call for a march to the White House. The protesters will gather at Lafayette Park across the White House to draw attention of the US officials, so that the victims of California’s Tri-Valley University get relief from the US government, said a NATS statement on Monday.
Note: Anybody who is attending, I will be glad to post the videos on our youtube channel.
In the light of the few developments, we will dedicate part of our law show on Tuesday from 11am to Noon PST to Tri Valley Issues. We invite the students to call and talk to us. We are also helping many regarding their reinstatements. If you have any question on this call us on 510 7425887.
Our law firm is committed to social justice and immigrant rights.