Want to Relate How the H4 EAD changed your life?
Shah Peerally Law Group PC is encouraging people to talk about how this new H4 EAD laws will change their lives for the better. As you know our law firm since 2011, has actually been fighting and lobbying for this cause. We are now proud to see the fruits of its existence. And we will highly appreciate seeing and hearing about the satisfaction and changes this law has brought to the lives of many H1 and H4 visa holders. Follow the cause on twitter/h4visaead
If anyone would be willing to talk with a public radio reporter about what the reform to H-4 Visa’s mean to them, and how their lives will change as a result, Sandhya would love to speak with them. They can contact her at [email protected] or on her cell phone — 415-515-6347. ”