A Step by Step instruction on how to apply for the H4 EAD

(H4 work authorization new law)

  • Immigration reform: Is this the first step?

    CNN Money – ‎Feb 24, 2015

    The H-4 VISA is given to spouses of those on an H-1B, as well as a handful of other, less common, visas. At present, H-4 visa holders can’t earn an INCOME or possess a social SECURITY number. “It’s a big win for the Indian community,” said Shah Peerally, who …

  • Reform for high-skilled immigrants begins

    KPRC Houston – ‎Feb 25, 2015‎

    “It’s a big win for the Indian community,” said Shah Peerally, who heads up an immigration law firm in Newark, Calif. “A lot of people are going to be able to go on with their life.” The State Department said 96,753 people received an H-4 in 2013, 76 percent of …

  • Immigration Lawyer Peerally’s Big H-4 Visa Win

    Lawfuel – ‎Feb 24, 2015‎

    Immigration lawyer Shah Peerally is a very happy immigration lawyer today. His firm has fought for the H-4 EAD for several years and this week the firm received the news that some H4 VISAholders will receive work permits. Although President Obama.

  • I’m a legal immigrant, but I’m not allowed to work

    FOX31 Denver-Sep 14, 2014

    “It’s pretty much an Indian woman issue,” said Shah Peerally, who heads up an immigration law firm in Newark, Calif. “Many are EDUCATED [and] …

  • The H4 Visas’ Curse

    ILW.com-Jun 27, 2012

    Shah Peerally, founder of the Shah Peerally Law Group PC, is an attorney licensed in California. Shah practices immigration law anddebt settlement. Under his …

  • Help is finally on the way for holders of America’s ‘prisoner visa’

    Public Radio International-Sep 16, 2014

    That has led Shah Peerally, a lawyer in California, to start a petition demanding that the US government allow H4 holders more rights. He’s also …


The following was taken from http://www.change.org/petitions/give-more-rights-to-h4-visa-holders
and other forums.

I see plenty of young smart people, highly educated, brilliant innovative minds, well versed in the English Language, Very Knowledgeable spouses, here in the US, living & wasting away their talents. Their Crime? An H-4 visa status that currently keeps them from being in Gainful Employment? How terribly sad! On the contrary if they are permitted to work, Companies & Society stand to be enriched by granting them the privilege to work. Granting that permission also adds $$$,$$$,$ at least more to the Exchequer AND many of them bring valuable expertise AND are not going to be much of a deterrent to the Current unemployment challenges either, pragmatically & realistically speaking, I should like to think. BUT who cares…….right! That is sad & that tide needs to change to the betterment of Our Economy.



I am on an H4 visa, an H1B visa dependent. Many of us came to the US because companies in America need the services of our spouses. Unfortunately the H4 visa holders are not allowed to work and it is unbearable situation for many.

These are my views:

1. A person who comes here cannot sit idle.

2. It is only normal that the spouse follows because no culture in the world encourages a married couple to stay apart unless separated or divorced.

3. Majority of these highly skilled workers marry a intelligent spouses with a lot of potential.

H4 visa holders are denied to work or operate their own businesses.

H4 visa holders are denied to work. They are not actually allowed to earn any kind of income through work. Many are very talented and can generate income for themselves, help the US economy with taxes and provide employment to US workers.Why H4 Visa holders have no incentive to go to school?

Many H4s get themselves enrolled into prestigious colleges and even get professional licences but never get a chance to even apply for a job. So, why would someone put an effort and money in even studying?Domestic violence due to financial dependence, lack of motivation, loneliness many H4s are victims of domestic violence.


Apart from that many of them are victims of chronic depression and neurological problems.

An Endless and Unfair Wait.

L2 visa holders (dependents of L1 visas) can actually work freely in the United States and can apply for the Green card. Until they obtain their permanent residence , L visa spouses are allowed to work, whereas H4 visa holders are denied the ability to work. If they are fortunate they might get a work permit in 8- 10 years especially if they are from India or China. This endless wait destroys one’s self esteem, motivation, and confidence. Because L2 visa holders are able to work and because the wait for the work permit through the permanent residence is so long, H4 should also be allowed to work.

Some may ask why H1Bs holders and their H4 visa spouses don’t just go back to their home countries?

Firstly, United States requires such skills. Second, in many cases, due to the scarcity of their skills, if H1B holders return back to their home country, they are usually replaced by some other highly skilled H1B workers. In turn their spouses have to bear the same sad H4 visa agony. And, many times, company sends H1B again to US because he is highly skilled.


For those who came legally, are paying taxes, living a peaceful life, spending money in the United States – it is unfair to make them wait ?

Therefore, we hope that this time the law will change to help all the H4 visa holders and the US economy.


Jyotsna Sharma

We will see a better morning …
Sooner or later ..
We will write our stories
As a fighter or narrator.
It all depends on our efforts
For they shouldn’t hold back any further…
Life on a H4 status
Does not have to be mere status..
It has to take a step further
And reach a level
To be called as status symbol !
Enough we have lived a life
Lesser known , lesser heard , lesser felt & empathized …..
Now is the turn to make our life kingsize
For thou shall hear our pain and agony..
Have a look into our life’s irony
We are non-immigrants
Hoping to earn little respect while earning our bread….
We know we have followed our love our spouse , the H1B holder
For the sake of family that holds us…
But now it kills sitting at home
Doing modern maid servant job…
Let our degrees fly high
Let us too contribute to professional side
Let us work, let us be heard
We too exist than merely being dependent
Please o the lawmakers do look at us
We are lying in some forgotten corners of work authorization files
Please do let us smile
Care for us
We will be highly obliged


I really wish and pray this petition reaches the right hands and brings hope to all the smart and qualified H4 visa holders whose hands are now tied. I went to school in England. I have quality education and work experience that make me a confident person. I have tried several ways to find myself in this country. Most of us would not want to get a F1 visa (which again is a hassle) just to get employment benefits. Equal opportunities must be given. Marrying the love of your life should not bring you to a test like this. It is a great challenge to stay hopeful in such situations. Thanks to Mr.Shah for taking time and effort in bringing this issue to light.



I have suffered greatly on this visa and care deeply about this cause. Thousands of women are suffering silently and being abused and exploited. I made a documentary about this issue telling my own struggles as many were too afraid to share. You can view the trailer and interviews here – www.heartssuspended.com. Many women write to me their horrific stories and I am at a loss as to how to help them. I am so happy that someone is finally taking up this cause and I will do my best to support. I still believe America is the land where dreams come true, not where dreams are snatched away. I hope and pray everyday that all women on H4 can live their dreams here, contribute to society and their families and enrich this beautiful country with their incredible talent!



I am on H4 visa.I have Master degree in Information Technology and plus 3.5 years of experience in IT.I have applied for H1B visa but my application got denied.If i have permission to work i can use my knowledge contribute to economy.



I totally believe in this petition.
The skilled labors make the work force so promising in the US, but their spouses are the ones who the country turns a blind eye to.In short we sacrifice our identity, our lives and suffer by being on an H4 Visa. We, have flesh and blood, we breathe too, but are caged within the four walls.We are dependents. We have no voice, no status., not even a credit card of our own.

We are psychologically weak now. Our fighter strength is getting fragile. We need help. I see this petition as a ray of hope. May be one day our calls will be heard and soon I will fly out of this cage.



I’m a HR professional with more than 14 years of experience. I came to the US to support my wife in her career decision to move here. However, it is very frustrating as I cannot work because of my H4 visa status.I feel very unproductive though I have the potential and qualification & experience to contribute to my family and the economy.



I have been in US since July 2008 on H4 visa. It is a pain. I was working in India for 5 years. Staying at home doing nothing kills you. It makes you mentally and physically sick. I am suffering from chronic migraines due to inactivity and stress. “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop” is rightly said. One cannot remain sane on H4 visa.


I have suffered on H4.



I am on H4 Dependent Visa and i feel that H4 visa holders should also get right to work. I feel so insecure about my future. I feel from my bottom of my heart it would change so many lives. And turn my life into a better one. I can have some hopes about my tomorrow.



Being on h4 visa is so frustrating and depressing. I cannot even take the nclex exam bacause I don’t have a social security number and are not allowed to have one. its an emotional and psychological torture being totally dependent on the principal applicant.



Please allow H4 visa holders to work in US. There are many talented and experienced people who are not able to work because of this legal issue. We want to prove ourselves and live a better life in US.



Been here for quite some time and its really depressing to just stay at home and wait



I am on H4 and technically qualified. alas, i cannot work and contribute.i am someone like the hundreds who cannot help this country though they want to. i am a dependent and i strongly wish to play my part in helping the economy.



Allow H4 visa holders to work.We not only support our own families but would definitely benefit the economic growth of US.



Please treat us with equal rights and respect. You can filter people based on their skills and set exams to qualify but dont cut our hands, we can’t sit idle. I am educated in the UK, having worked as a teacher, news reader , sales manager and legal counsel, my growth is totally chopped off in the US in the name of H4 visa. I hope our President will show the CHANGE we want to see. At least spouses completing 6 years of terms as said earlier should be given an EAD. US will lose all talented people in this H4 visa.



I have been in US since July 2008 on H4 visa. It is a pain. I was working in India for 5 years. Staying at home doing nothing kills you. It makes you mentally and physically sick. I am suffering from chronic migraines due to inactivity and stress. “An idle mind is a devil’s workshop” is rightly said. One cannot remain sane on H4 visa.

Poonam Savant Dharek


I am getting married soon. My would be wife has an MBA!! And she would not be able to work here in US. That’s a destruction of her career. I would rather go back to my own country and use my skills there and also allow her career to grow then waste my time growing the economy here. 1 more year that’s it. If no action, then I will leave USA and use my skills to either start my own company or help out some other company where both spouses are respected.



The talents and skills of H4 visa holders should be utilized



Though technically qualified and having ample experience, visa problems stop me from working in US.

Sudha KM


H4 should also be allowed to work , it makes no sense in assuming L2 can skilled workers and H4 have no skill …:( Its in equality)

