Fear of US Election Outcomes increasing flow of undocumented immigration
According to CBS News CBS News reports dozens of immigrants have been streaming through the streets of McAllen, Texas, on a daily basis. They have been taken to a migrant center at Sacred Heart Catholic Church where they were released by Border Patrol, with ankle monitors, while they file for asylum.
Some Answers on U visas from AILA’s meeting with the DHS
The NSC Liaison Committee’s official Q&As from the 10/13/16 teleconference relating to humanitarian, document production, and status/family issues. Topics included: refugee travel documentation and work authorization, and the implementation and status of the U visa unit at the NSC. U Visas 1. Please provide information on the implementation of the U visa unit at NSC,…
Help the Refugees
An average shower of water is more than a refugee gets for a full day, please help. Thank you for helping us provide life-saving water in even the most remote areas. Ensuring health + dignity for those forced to flee. pic.twitter.com/eDbPZIkfJv — UN Refugee Agency (@Refugees) September 29, 2016
Asylum based on the issues in the Philippines.
Both President Obama and the President of the United Nations are now openly claiming that the Philippines is violating human rights on extra judicial killings. The president of the Philippines, Duterte, is unequivocally stating that he will continue on this path. He even went at odds with both the US, and the United Nations including…
The Iraq war Mess and Million of Displaced people
After the Chilcot Report delivers almost an indictment on Blair and ultimately president Bush, we wonder who is going to answer to the millions of Iraqi civilians killed in the process as well as the innocent young children soldiers sent to war by Blair or “Bliar” based on false pretenses. In addition, the repercussions are…
Majority of Americans are becoming anti-immigration
A report published by PRRI Brookings is now stating that many are worried about the future of America and worried about America being “less white” This is very disturbing especially because it is being fueled by xenophobic movements blaming immigration and other groups for some of United States’s problems. Threat of Terrorism, Crime, and Unemployment…