Leaked USCIS Memo – great news for H4 Visa holders
This internal memo-on-alternatives-to-comprehensive-immigration-reform a few days ago and got everyone talking. The memo clearly shows USCIS taking dramatic measures to ease immigration waiting lines and policies WITHOUT CIR – or legislative change. They are trying to do things that they can, internally, that are within their power, to effect positive change. This is commendable!! Something…
Important Notice from USCIS regarding fingerprints
USCIS has experienced some technical difficulties with the Form I-797C, Notice of Action – Fingerprint Notification. Between July 8 and August 4, 2010, USCIS did not print and mail this form to asylum applicants living in California and Arizona. What You Should Do: Go to the nearest USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for fingerprinting and…
HHS Updates Poverty Guidelines
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov] [DOCID:fr03au10-71] DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Delayed Update of the HHS Poverty Guidelines for the Remainder of 2010 AGENCY: Department of Health and Human Services. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This notice provides a delayed update of the Department of Health and Human…
Immigration: Consular Processing v/s Adjustment of Status
We frequently get the question whether someone should go for consular processing or adjustment of status. Often it is choice but sometimes there are no choices. This guide does not cover all the issues but quickly covers few of the situations when one is preferred onto the other When Can I file adjustment of Status?…