For the purpose of confidentiality the real name of the applicants at hand has been withheld and replaced by other names.

1.         Alex came to the US after a very long and dangerous journey through the Mexico Boarder. He was working with the Eritrean banks when he was suddenly and arbitrarily detained and, finally, subjected to torture due to his Pentecostal religion and his participation in the activities of his Rhema Church. He entered the US on the 26th of January 2007 and was granted asylum in April 2008 with the assistance of our office.

2.         Zedagem belongs to Mulue Wengel Church, one of the Pentecostal Churches in Eritrea. However, he was persecuted by the Government of Eritrea just because he happened to be a Pentecostal Christian. He fled from his country when his detention and eventually severe torture and persecution became imminent and unavoidable. Zedagem’s application for asylum in the US was culminated with the approval of the same last month.

3.         Yodit fled from her country Eritrea after a long ordeal and torture which was initially caused by the detention of her husband. Her husband had also fled but unable to make it to a third safe country. Yodit made a very dangerous and long tip to the USA hoping to get the freedom and liberty she had ever wished and be able to find a way of uniting with her husband and son. She approached our office in July 2008 and sought to apply for asylum with our assistance. Her case was approved in September 2008.

4.         Hassan came to the USA for the medical treatment of his sick child. He had however been arrested and tortured in Israel because of his Palestine nationality. He contacted our office by the end of May 2008 and sought to get our legal assistance. His application for asylum finally got approval in September 2008.

5.         Yohannes had was a temporary resident of Soudi Arabia when he was accused of financing and helping his brother to  escape from the hands of his government and cross boarder to the neighboring Ethiopia up on his return to visit his family in Eritrea. He was accused of supporting opposition groups. Consequently, he was arbitrarily detained and subjected to torture and very harsh treatment. As he was on an employment visa in Saudi Arabia he had always been at risk of being returned or deported to Eritrea. He decided to seek asylum after he came to the US. The process was initiated after he contacted our office in August 2008. He was granted asylum in October 2008.

6.         Filmon was still a student when he was subjected to detention and torture for protesting against a refusal of a leave to attend his graduation in Sawa. He finally escaped from detention and made it to Sudan and, eventually to the USA after a very long and dangerous journey. His application for asylum was granted in October 2008.

7.         Yodit is a Pentecostal Eritrean who had been persecuted by her government a number of times. She finally escaped and made it to the neighboring Sudan after realizing that she was about to be persecuted. She approached our office in July 2008. Her application was approved in October 2008.

Important: The testimonials or endorsements on this website do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. Each case is different and success in one case does not warrant or guarantee success in other similar cases or situations.


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Shah Peerally is an attorney licensed in California practicing immigration law and debt settlement. He has featured as an expert legal analyst for many TV networks such as NDTV, Times Now and Sitarree TV. Articles about Shah Peerally and his work have appeared on newspapers such as San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Tribune, US Fiji Times, Mauritius Le Quotidien, Movers & Shakers and other prominent international newspapers. His work has been commended by Congress women Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Lee. He has a weekly radio show on KLOK 1170AM and frequently participates in legal clinics in churches, temples and mosques. His law group, Shah Peerally Law Group, has represented clients all over the United States constantly dealing with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Immigration and Custom Enforcement(ICE) and CBP (Customs Border Patrol (CBP) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This department was formerly known as the Immigration and Nationality Services (INS).