Over zealous security checks for Muslims and people from Middle Eastern,South Asian, and Arabs.
Over the years, our law firm has filed hundreds of Writ of Mandamus and USC 1447(b) cases based on delays on cases for people from people of the Middle East, Arabs, and South Asians. While we knew this fact unofficially, we now have confirmation this practice was and is still common. We recommend calling our office at 510 742 5887 to look into your call.
“Millions of aspiring Americans apply to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) each year. But under a previously unknown national security program known as the “Controlled Application Review and Resolution Program” (CARRP), the government excludes many applicants from Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian communities from these opportunities by delaying and denying their applications without legal authority. Learn more about CARRP and how it has harmed the naturalization process. Download the report.” – ACLU, Aug. 2013.