14 Dec

Immigration Policy in the Trump Administration

Immigration Policy in the Trump Administration The Center for Immigration Studies’ Jessica Vaughan and the American Immigration Lawyers Association’s William Stock talked about President-elect Trump’s immigration policy, including his pledge to cut federal funding for “sanctuary cities” that shelter illegal immigrants and do not use local resources to enforce federal immigration laws.


22 Nov

Has Donald Trump Shifted Position on Immigration?

On his surprise address, on November 21 2016, President Donald Trump made a sharp turn on his priorities. He mentioned that he will be focusing on visa programs which take jobs from American workers. Trump will ask Department of Labor (DOL) to actually investigate such visas. According to Politico.com, TRUMP’S DOL WILL TARGET VISA PROGRAMS:…


19 Nov

Inspiration from Hamilton

A message of hope from Broadway. Unfortunately our world is now in a different situation. Yes #MikePence was at @HamiltonMusical here's what we had to say pic.twitter.com/YIjt7JZ3gF — G R E G O R Y (@ghaney22) November 19, 2016


30 Oct

Turkey Travel Warning – US Department of State Website!

The U.S. Department of State continues to warn U.S. citizens of increased threats from terrorist groups throughout Turkey. U.S. citizens should avoid travel to southeast Turkey and carefully consider the risks of travel to and throughout the country. The U.S. Department of State is updating this Travel Warning to reflect the October 29, 2016, decision…


27 Oct

A majority of voters, from both sides of the aisle, support a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants

A majority of voters, from both sides of the aisle, support a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants pic.twitter.com/kNo1NYobot — FWD.us (@FWD_us) October 27, 2016


06 Oct

Immigration Office in Washington DC

Washington DC October 6 2016 – By popular demand the Shah Peerally Law Group PC has launched its Washington DC office three months ahead of schedule. The office – located at 1020 16th Street NW – is stationed in the heart of Washington DC two blocks away from the White House and in the vicinity…
