By Sharif Silmi

Throughout the country attacks on visa holding students and workers have escalated in number and severity. Despite the misinformation being spread by politicians and in the media, it is immigrants, students and workers that bear the brunt of crime and violence not the other way around. It is far too often the case that police investigations are too lackluster to uncover targeted violence against foreign born people. As attorneys working in the immigration field we are encountering many accounts of victimization of migrants. Whenever one is a victim of crime the society owes a duty to the victim that some reasonable effort be made to investigate the perpetrators of the crime. This past weekend, October 29th, a Saudi Arabia born student Hussain Saeed Alnahdi, may Allah grant him mercy and forgiveness, and bestow patience upon his family, was brutally assaulted and killed near a Toppers Pizza restaurant in downtown Menomonie, Wisconsin. Hussain, 24 years old was a student at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. With the hateful misinformed speeches of Donald Trump and the institutionalized racism prevalent throughout police departments and prosecutors’ offices throughout the nation, foreign born people, whether they are from Pakistan or Mexico, India or Ethiopia, Cameron or Thailand are less likely to get full cooperation and help than frankly white Americans. This my friends is a fact of life living in the United States of America in 2016. While there may be hurdles, people who are victims of crime should seek relief and recourse in a situation where she or he is a victim. From an immigration standpoint one who is a victim of crime may have recourse for relief. It is important to consult with an attorney to analyze; as each situation is unique and a close and careful review is needed. There are organizations one can reach out to such as Futures Without Violence who help immigrant women victims of domestic violence, Kids in Need of Defense and Legal Aid Centers run by Universities and organizations such as the Catholic Church. Likewise, a determined and able private advocate can make a significant impact on a case. Regardless of the path taken, any person that is a victim of crime should follow up with police and seek justice for being harmed. Where the victim of the crime is an immigrant, one should seek an analysis of any immigrant relief available such as U visa, T visa, whether the person may have relief under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which by the way applies equally to men and women or some other way. If you have been a victim of a crime and would like to schedule an immigration consultation you can contact me by email @ [email protected] follow me on twitter @bayreef. Peace out. As Salam’ Alaykum.


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Shah Peerally is an attorney licensed in California practicing immigration law and debt settlement. He has featured as an expert legal analyst for many TV networks such as NDTV, Times Now and Sitarree TV. Articles about Shah Peerally and his work have appeared on newspapers such as San Jose Mercury News, Oakland Tribune, US Fiji Times, Mauritius Le Quotidien, Movers & Shakers and other prominent international newspapers. His work has been commended by Congress women Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Lee. He has a weekly radio show on KLOK 1170AM and frequently participates in legal clinics in churches, temples and mosques. His law group, Shah Peerally Law Group, has represented clients all over the United States constantly dealing with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Immigration and Custom Enforcement(ICE) and CBP (Customs Border Patrol (CBP) under the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This department was formerly known as the Immigration and Nationality Services (INS).